I first met Jim after his father came to my office to discuss Jim's
recent arrest for drug impaired driving and marijuana possession. Jim
was being charged with Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs, in violation of New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1192(4) and Criminal Possession of Marijuana in violation of New York State Penal Law Section 221.10.
Initially, Jim's father figured the case was no big deal, and retained
the family lawyer to represent Jim. After a couple of court appearances
the family lawyer told Jim and his dad that he worked out a deal with
the prosecutor and if Jim agreed to attend drug court, the District Attorney would offer Jim a reduced charge of Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol (or DWAI, in violation of New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1192(1))
to settle the case. DWAI is a traffic violation, it is not a crime.
(However, a DWAI conviction carries with it substantial consequences in the form of
license suspension, heavy fines,a requirement to attend the NY DMV Drinking Driver Program,
and substantial insurance premium increases.) Jim wisely refused to
plead guilty to an alcohol impairment charge because he had not consumed
any alcohol the day he was arrested. That is when Jim and has Dad came
to me for advice.
Jim's dad was aware that the bulk of
my practice was built on the defense of impaired driving cases. He and
Jim felt very strongly that pleading guilty to an alcohol offense was a
bad idea. I agreed with them for many reasons. I explained to them that
Jim did not have to take the deal and that there were ways to fight the
case to get a better result. The only thing you would have to lose, I
explained to them, would be the money you'll have to pay me to do the
work. And there would be no guarantee of success.
had never been in trouble in his life despite being a habitual pot
smoker since his late teens. Despite the conventional view of many
folks that so called "stoners"can't get out of bed in the morning, (and
eat Cheetos all day in their parent's basement playing video games),
Jim was more of the Steve Jobs or Obama type of stoner. In addition to
smoking pot, Jim maintained a 3.8 GPA while working nearly full time at
his family's business.
So one summer day, Jim and his
buddy took some time off in the afternoon to go buy some weed from this
guy in the hills. They purchased an ounce (28.349 grams) which is
probably one of the most common weights pot smokers purchase. The
problem with that weight, (if you want to call it a problem), is that
possession of over 25 grams of marijuana in New York is a Criminal
Offense. Possession of 25 grams or less is not a crime in New York. It
is, in fact, a violation whose consequences upon conviction can be less
serious than a speeding ticket. This violation is called Unlawful
Possession of Marijuana or UPM. (New York Penal Law Section 221.05) (For a discussion of UPMs on this blog you can read here).
As Jim and his buddy make their way back to campus,
they decide to take the scenic route and traverse some of the most
bucolic country roads in upstate New York. Enjoying the beautiful
scenery, jamming some tunes on the stereo, and taking their time, they
decided to smoke. That was a poor decision and one that should be
avoided at all times.
The weed kicked in and Jim and his
pal got the munchies. After stopping at Denny's for a Moon Over My Hammy
or whatever, they hit the road again and headed back to campus. With
Phish's Picture of Nectar jamming on the stereo, the sun begins to set,
illuminating the magnificent rolling hills of farm country. As the sun
goes down, Jim did what any reasonable driver would do; he turned on his
car's headlights. This is where the trouble began.
was around 8:30 in the evening in August. Jim was driving the speed
limit while passing through one of the many beautiful (yet apparently
abandoned) little villages in upstate New York. It wasn't quite dark
yet, but dark enough that headlights should be on. A State Trooper
passes Jim from the opposite direction. Less than a minute later, that
trooper was now right behind Jim with his emergency lights activated.
Praying the trooper will pass him, Jim slows down while his buddy
frantically tries to hide the weed they just bought under the seat. Jim
turned the car's fan on. "Do you have any cigarettes?", Jim says to his
buddy. The car reeks of the skunk bud they just bought from the farmer.
The cop isn't passing and hits the siren. Jim carefully and slowly pulls
over in the safest place he could immediately see. And as they say, the
rest is history.
The trooper, (the arresting officer who I will refer to as "Trooper" hereinafter) carefully approaches the driver's side of Jim's car. Jim has his window open a couple of inches and he is praying this somehow is not happening. Trooper smells the skunk bud and the game is on.
Trooper tells him Jim to roll his window down. Jim complies, retrieves his license, registration, and insurance card and hands the documents to Trooper. At this point Jim is praying that this cop is going to be cool. (Yeah right!) Trooper takes the documents, tells Jim to stay put and goes back to his cruiser. While Jim is hoping for the best, Trooper is back in his car calling for back up. Things are not going well for Jim at this point.
Now a routine traffic stop has quickly escalated in to an investigation. Trooper returns to Jim's car and tells him to get out and Jim complies. Trooper asks Jim if there are any drugs or weapons in the car and Jim says no. (Good move Jim! Making incriminating admissions to the police is always a bad idea. Are you lying to the police? Yes, but that whole "be honest with me and I will go easy on you" line the police feed people is a lie as well. You are protecting your rights and preserving defenses. At this point in Jim's story he is going to be arrested no matter what he says.)
When backup arrives, Trooper orders Jim's buddy to get out of the car. In addition to the overwhelming stench of marijuana that gave Trooper the requisite cause to do so, the US Supreme Court held a police officer can order a passenger out of a lawfully stopped vehicle. The car is searched. The weed and a bowl are found. Separated from his friend, Jim takes full responsibility for the weed.
Since I have been in the criminal defense business for 8 years I believe I am entitled to make "back in the day" comments. So back in the day, Trooper would have simply issued Jim an appearance ticket for marijuana possession. It would have not been a big deal and Jim would be eligible for a conditional dismissal. But times are changing. And when honest Jim admitted that he had smoked earlier, things went way downhill. And that is because Trooper decided that he had a good case for a Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs investigation. Jim was arrested and taken in to custody.
My first appearance is court was typical. The prosecutor wouldn't bend and stuck to her guns with the original plea bargain offer. We had no choice but to proceed to trial. This particular court was out in the middle of nowhere. I had never appeared in this court before. The judge was a lay person. She was not a lawyer. All the local lawyers rubbernecked when I walked in. A couple of them gave me their cards knowing I was from out of town and offered their services if I could not make it to court. (Lawyers are actually nice people sometimes!). I spoke briefly with the prosecutor confirming her initial offer and let her know of our intentions to fight the case. Of course her response was the perennial "the deal is off the table now" and that she would ask for jail time if Jim was convicted. Undeterred, I asked the judge to set a motion schedule. (In all criminal cases motions are filed before trial challenging things such as a legal basis for detaining the defendant, probable cause to arrest, etc. And sometimes more importantly to nail the police down to a story, and learn more details about the case outside of what the law requires be disclosed to the defense). The prosecutor advised the court that she was "ready for trial", (which she was not and I will explain why later). Prosecutors always make the "ready for trial" statement to guard against a Speedy Trial dismissal. Shortly after I filed the motions, the Judge granted my request for a hearing, at which I would have the opportunity to cross examine Trooper.
At the first hearing Trooper said he pulled my client over because he failed to dim his headlights. Jim had explained to me that his car is twenty years old and in poor condition. And that even with the high beams on the lights are unusually dim. I inspected the car and agreed with him. I felt the basis of the traffic stop was bull. But how could I prove it? And when I say bull I mean that it lacked a legal basis, or violation of the law, which is required by the Constitution before a citizen can be detained or pulled over. (Of course there are many exceptions; Check out this recent decision from the Supreme Court holding a cop's ignorance of the law when pulling over a non-violating motorist was reasonable: Heien v. North Carolina)
My cross-examination of Trooper went as expected. His testimony was credible. After receiving a transcript of the hearing, I did some research with regard to the statute Jim was allegedly pulled over for violating, New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375(3), "Failure to Dim Headlights". I was surprised to learn from case law that it is in fact not a violation to fail to dim headlights in every situation. The requirement to dim is not per se. The law only prohibits lights in the high position if they interfere with the safe operation of other motorists on the road. And without evidence that the accused motorist's lights were somehow "dazzling" or interfered with other motorists, the traffic stop would have to be held invalid. After receiving the transcript of the hearing, I could not find any explanation Trooper gave for believing the lights were bright other than he just "knew it". I argued in a post hearing brief that the proof was insufficient to sustain the basis of the traffic stop. And because the stop was illegal, all evidence gathered subsequent to the top should be suppressed (or kept out at trial.) (This procedure is known as the Exclusionary Rule; If the police lack a legal basis to detain you, the evidence gathered subsequent to the detention is suppressed or prohibited from being used at trial. It is meant to deter illegal police conduct by punishing the police for violating your Constitutional rights. It doesn't work very well in practice). I had several on point cases supporting my argument.
Long story short, my motion to suppress was denied. I don't think the judge even read my papers. I think I was annoying her. She insisted that I drive the two hour round trip to the court just to get the decision on the motion. When I appeared in court for the decision, she looked at me and said, "Is this big pile of papers here your case?" Upon my affirmative reply she muttered, "motion denied". I requested a written decision to which her reply was, "Oh you want a written decision, huh?" As diplomatically as possible I explained to her that I needed to explain to my client why we lost. (I did not mention that the criminal procedure law requires the court to set forth its findings on the record and that I wanted it in writing in case I had to appeal. This judge would be presiding over my trial after all, and she was already annoyed with me.) A trial date was scheduled and I left.
Now that the case was set for trial I filed a Demand to Produce or Demand for Discovery. The prosecutor is required to disclose the evidence he or she intends to use against a defendant at trial. (Do you remember that scene from My Cousin Vinny?) I didn't want to try the case. I just wanted a fair deal. I couldn't get what I wanted to get and as with everything else in life, you have to work for something special. I started working on a theory of innocence for both the impaired driving charge, and the pot possession charge, which were both misdemeanors. At this point I was pretty confident I could convince a jury that Jim's driving was not impaired when he was arrested. But getting around the possession charge would be difficult. Jim admitted to the police that the weed belonged to him. So that left a challenge to the lab test of the weed and most significantly, the weight of the weed. The prosecutor would have to prove that the weed weighed in excess of the roughly 28 grams to sustain the criminal possession charge. She would also have to establish a chain of custody. And finally, the forensic lab worker would have to testify at the court and be subject to cross examination.
Weeks passed by. I received the bulk of required discovery, but I still did not have the lab test affidavits, despite repeated requests. I was getting a little nervous. My plan was, if the affidavits indicated the criminal weight, I would have it weighed by an independent lab as we were talking about a couple of grams difference between a crime and a violation. (My theory was that the original fresh skunky bud would de-hydrate significantly in the year and a half since its original seizure and weigh less now.) If I was convinced it was really criminal weight, I might have advised my client to take the deal as the risk of conviction was too strong on the possession charge. A criminal conviction would have really imposed a hardship on my young client's bright future. Two days before trial I finally heard from the prosecutor. The weed had never been sent to the lab. I asked her how she intended to prove her case without the lab test or the witness who tested it, (both are required proof at trial). Her response was that she would simply let the jury decide. What? Without the lab work the charge would have to be dismissed before the trial started. Either she was woefully ignorant of the law, or she assumed that I was. Knocking out the possession charge was a great relief and now I could focus completely on my defense of the drug impairment charge which I was confident was very strong.
The night Jim was arrested he was asked to submit a urine sample. (In New York, every licensed driver has a legal obligation to submit to a test of a blood, breath, or urine. It is kind of like a contract between the driver and the DMV. Once a person is lawfully arrested for suspected impaired driving, they must submit to the test. If the driver refuses, their license is revoked). (To read about the consequences of refusals you can read here). Jim complied with the urine test. One of the documents I got through discovery was a lab test indicating that THC metabolites were detected in Jim's urine sample. THC is the active chemical in marijuana. Initially I thought this certainly was not going to help my case. However, I quickly learned that the test didn't prove anything with regard to driving impairment. All the test proved was that Jim had smoked pot sometime in the past. It did not prove he was high on THC the day he was arrested.
The main active metabolite of THC is 11-Hydroxy-THC. It is the chemical found in cannabis that produces a psychoactive effect or a high. As we all know, the high eventually dissipates and the 11-Hydroxy-THC metabolizes in to 11-nor-Carboxy-THC, which can remain detectable for weeks after ingestion and is non-psychoactive.11-Hydroxy THC can only be detected by a blood test. In Jim's case we only had the urine test which did indicate the presence of 11-nor-Carboxy-THC.

The presence of the non-psychoactive THC in Jim's body was in my opinion irrelevant to the issue of Jim's impairment the day he was arrested.
Why was Jim arrested for impaired driving that day? Unlike some other states, the presence of a controlled substance on its own is not enough proof to sustain a conviction for impaired driving in New York. Just as with alcohol (for now at least), there must be proof that the driver lost his capacity to safely operate a motor vehicle in addition to proof that a controlled substance (or alcohol) was ingested. Where was the proof that Jim was impaired?
The elements, (facts that must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt at trial), of a Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs charge are as follows: 1) The defendant ingested a drug. 2) The drug is proscribed by Public Health Law Section 3606. 3) After ingesting the drug the defendant operated a motor vehicle. 4) The defendant was actually impaired by the drug while operating a motor vehicle. Impairment can be loosely defined as a physical and mental state that deprives the driver of the capacity to safely operate a motor vehicle.
In this case, the prosecutor would be relying on the Field Sobriety Testing that Trooper would testify that in his opinion, Jim failed. The so called Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFTS) were developed in a laboratory for the specific purpose of making an estimate of Blood Alcohol Content. The purpose and design of the SFSTs are specific to assisting a police officer in making a determination of probable cause to arrest a driver suspected of being impaired by alcohol. The SFTSs were absolutely never intended to be used as evidence of drug impairment or alcohol impairment and in my opinion, if a judge allows a jury to hear about a driver's failure of the tests, that testimony should come with a strict limitation instruction. (For a discussion of the SFSTs you can read here.) I wasn't worried about this so called evidence against Jim. In fact, I am often successful at turning them around in my client's favor as evidence of sobriety.
I felt that the most powerful evidence that Jim's driving was impaired would come in the form of the so called Drug Recognition Expert or DRE that examined Jim the night he was arrested. A DRE is simply a cop who has received the requisite training to be called an expert. Keep in mind, that when a jury is allowed to hear the testimony of a witness who is referred to by the court as an expert, that witness's testimony will carry significant influential weight with the jurors. Ordinarily, before a witness can testify as an expert at trial, their qualifications and the scientific methods employed by them must be thoroughly vetted and proven reliable to the court. That is ordinarily not the case with a DRE in a driving impairment case. Of course the methods and science of DRE examinations and training can be called in to question through the cross examination of the DRE. But the fact that DRE testimony gets in to evidence as expert testimony creates a mountain of influence that must be strip mined by the defense for the jury.
Now remember, the presence of a controlled substance in the body on its own is not enough to sustain an impaired driving charge. The prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the influence of the controlled substance affected the driver's capacity to safely operate a motor vehicle. (Sometimes I will ask a cop on the stand if he recalls applying for a license and taking a road test. Did the examiner make you stand on one foot? Did you have to walk a straight line? Were you given divided attention tests? Did you have to recite the alphabet? Were your eyes checked for nystagmus? Of course not.)
The DRE is tasked with two jobs. One is to form an opinion of what type of drug the arrested driver is under the influence of. And two, if that drug influence impaired the ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. How do they arrive at their expert opinion? Below is a copy of the form used by the DRE to guide his examination.
The DRE is playing doctor and essentially administering a physical. (One of the most intrusive parts of the examination involves a testicular examination. Just kidding!) With a handful of training hours and experience under his belt, the DRE takes all of these medical observations and testing data and arrives at a conclusion. The conclusion being that the suspect is impaired and is likely under the influence of a drug. The DRE determines what type of drug by using another handy dandy chart that is posted below:
As with all scientific tests, the results must be objective. Seldom are a DRE's examination anywhere close to being remotely objective. That is because most of the time, the DRE already knows. He knows because he already talked to the arresting officer who either found controlled substances on the the suspect, or gained an admission. In Jim's case, the DRE arrived at the remarkable conclusion that Jim was under the influence of cannabis.
Prior to trial, I made a motion asking the court to allow me to admit in to evidence a scientific study that I believed would be powerful evidence for the defense.
Notice the primary author of the study is Eduardo Romano PhD. Doctor Romano is a senior traffic safety research scientist at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. The study above arrived at the not too surprising conclusion that "our results show no relative risk for a fatal crash risk associated with marijuana". The studies findings are extraordinary to me. After all, isn't the foundation of laws against marijuana influenced driving based on science indicating that it is dangerous and puts the public at risk? What is especially extraordinary about this study is that it was funded by the very same entity that promotes the arrest of suspected marijuana influenced drivers and throws them in jail. That would be the Federal Government via the fully government-funded National Highway Transportation Safety Administration or NHTSA.
Finally, after a year and a half of legal battle, the DA threw in the towel a day before trial. The marijuana charge and the impaired driving charge were dismissed. Jim plead guilty to a traffic violation, paid a small fine and went on his merry way.
Impaired driving is a huge problem that destroys lives every day. I understand this more than most people. But as a DWI lawyer, please believe me when I tell you that there is no other area of criminal law where such an incredible number of people accused are innocent, or there is simply no reliable way to determine guilt with any certainty, of the many who are convicted of impaired driving offenses. I find this fact, to be a continually intriguing and motivating factor in my dedication to putting the government to its proof in impaired driving cases.
I'm not sure how much harsher the consequences for impaired driving convictions can get. But it is logical to believe that they will only become harsher, eventually leading to zero tolerance laws with mandatory minimums for first time offenders. Scary thought, but inevitable, because the war on impaired driving is based on fear, pandering to the ignorance of the masses, junk science, and significantly, crony capitalist industry. I don't know the market numbers but DWI enforcement is big business. Every police department wants the newest and best breathalyzer. (Which is ironic since the government boasts about accuracy, but every year a new machine comes out that is better at its job?) We now have a thriving Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Industry. Lobbyists in Washington are tossing big bucks at the politicians who pass legislation tying up Federal highway funds with mandates to the States that force these devices on the people. The day is soon coming that IIDs will not only be mandatory for first time offenders, but even non-offenders will eventually be required to have some kind of alcohol and drug IID in their vehicles. And the argument that the government is doing so because they want safer roads is a bunch of malarkey. This will happen because there is a shitload of money to be made. Screw the people.
So now that government is becoming so weed friendly with the recreational use and legalization of marijuana becoming the norm, the "Impaired Driving Industrial Complex" has recognized an absolute goldmine. In addition to arresting drivers who smoke marijuana (where before they would be given a ticket and sent on their way, at least in New York), we are witnessing the birth of the rapidly growing marijuana breath test device industry. Devices that purport to measure THC levels are on the market, and law enforcement agencies are training Drug Recognition Experts, or DREs, who can purportedly express an expert opinion with regard to the presence of a drug and drug impairment that is admissible in evidence at trial.
Thanks for reading!
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